Apple Tree Fable

Apple Tree

Apple Tree Fable

A farmer worked day and night to carve out a liv­ing for his fam­i­ly. On his farm was an apple tree that the farmer relied on to feed his fam­i­ly. Dur­ing the spring, the tree blos­somed, bring­ing joy to the farmer’s wife. By fall, the farmer’s son would pick apples so the moth­er could use. Dur­ing a dry sea­son, the apple tree did not bear fruit. The farmer’s son did not under­stand why the tree did not bear fruit and blamed the apple tree. In his short-sight­ed­ness, he took his father’s ax and cut down the apple tree. Upon dis­cov­er­ing his son’s actions, the farmer scold­ed his son. 

Cur­rent Day Lesson

A small busi­ness is often a com­mu­ni­ty’s apple tree. When a pro­test­er tears down a small busi­ness in a protest, it demon­strates short-sight­ed­ness and often harms the local com­mu­ni­ty. When a busi­ness clos­es, it deprives the local econ­o­my of a pos­i­tive impact on the com­mu­ni­ty’s jobs and ser­vices. Keep this in mind when you watch the news and watch pro­tes­tors destroy their communities. 

November 12, 2016

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