The World Is Yours


This elec­tion has brought out the worst in peo­ple. Fam­i­ly, friends, and strangers insult each oth­er because their ide­ol­o­gy does not align. If you are seri­ous about mak­ing the world a bet­ter place, edu­cate your­self. Pick up a book and read. Read books with dif­fer­ent views than your­self. Chal­lenge your under­stand­ing and under­stand the oppos­ing argu­ment. Lash­ing out at the oth­er per­son because they have an oppos­ing view show that you lack under­stand­ing of the top­ic. Under­stand Moral­i­ty. An oppos­ing view does not make the per­son evil. It also does not make it right or wrong. Prac­tice com­mon sense. If you call a per­son a racist, big­ot, or homo­phobe, what makes you think they will want to lis­ten to you? Lis­ten. If you have already formed your argu­ments before the oth­er per­son has fin­ished talk­ing, are you tru­ly lis­ten­ing? Let it go. When a wise man argues with a fool, it’s hard to tell who the fool is from a dis­tance. It is bet­ter to walk away when you real­ize the oth­er per­son is stuck in their ideology.

Late­ly, I have been let­ting it go. Ulti­mate­ly, time is pre­cious. I rather focus on improv­ing my under­stand­ing or mak­ing me happy.

November 12, 2016  Leave a comment

L.I.O.N or Not

Lion Roaring

I am con­tem­plat­ing this idea with LinkedIn late­ly, and I want to ask the community’s opin­ion.  With­in LinkedIn, there is a LinkedIn Open Net­work­er or L.I.O.N move­ment in which mem­bers are will­ing to accept invites from any­one.  The pro­posed ben­e­fits of being an L.I.O.N is that it increas­es an indi­vid­u­al’s busi­ness net­work in which they can cul­ti­vate for either busi­ness leads or job oppor­tu­ni­ties.  The neg­a­tive is that the LinkedIn Update feed is over­run with updates that do not tar­get a per­son­’s inter­est.  In my effort to improve my LinkedIn Update feed, my thoughts are to reduc­ing my num­ber of con­nec­tions and who I fol­low.  My ques­tion is by doing so, do I harm my LinkedIn expe­ri­ence in the long run?

November 16, 2015  Leave a comment

Life Experience versus School

1262974_677469248931218_538854134_oAs my son starts his edu­ca­tion jour­ney, I am start­ing to iden­ti­fy the same issue in the cur­rent pub­lic edu­ca­tion sys­tem that turned me off from school. Instead of speak­ing to the stu­dent, school speaks down to the stu­dent. Instead of being spo­ken down to, ear­ly in life I decid­ed to pur­sue life expe­ri­ence over academics.

I am not say­ing that school is a bad thing, though. I learned the val­ue of edu­ca­tion once I was pay­ing for it. What I am chal­leng­ing is how the cur­rent pub­lic school com­mu­ni­cates with stu­dents. It is catered to edu­cate the mass­es, not the indi­vid­u­al’s need or inter­est. It will be my respon­si­bil­i­ty to fill the gaps and ensure he stays moti­vat­ed dur­ing chal­leng­ing times.

October 11, 2015  Leave a comment

New Direction


I am going to sep­a­rate the IT arti­cles from my per­son­al blog, and move the tech-cen­tric arti­cles to When I first made this deci­sion, it comes with some reser­va­tion. Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy has long been an intel­lec­tu­al pur­suit of mine that has car­ried me far, but I am try­ing to sep­a­rate the two from my oth­er pur­suits. I would like to shape my per­son­al blog to be more like oth­er great blogs like Brett and Kate McK­ay’s Art of Man­li­ness or Tim Fer­riss’ Four Hour Work Week. Both blogs have influ­enced my life in the past four years (even list­ing the authors in my grad­u­ate application).

So please fol­low to know what I am try­ing to pur­sue in life. Please also fol­low for the tech reviews and opin­ions on the IT indus­try. Regard­less, thank you for reading.

April 17, 2015  Leave a comment

Get Better

You can build your time bet­ter when you find a passion, 

The Inter­net and pub­lic ser­vices give free education,

So it real­ly ain’t a case of rich or poor,

It’s a case of self-moti­va­tion and noth­ing more,

Like Bil­ly says, whether you have or you have not wealth,

The sys­tem might fail you, but don’t fail yourself,

Just, get better”

~ Scroobius Pip


April 15, 2015  Leave a comment

80% Solutions


When I decid­ed to start my grad­u­ate pro­gram two years ago, I had a young fam­i­ly, a full-time job, and a con­sult­ing busi­ness.  This peri­od has taught me the val­ue of the 80% solu­tion. The 80% solu­tion means that all things do not need to be per­fect if it is not a mat­ter of life and death.  Do you spend the extra hour doing home­work or get­ting your son ready for bed and read­ing him his bed­time sto­ries?  My GPA has low­ered, but my qual­i­ty of life has increased.

April 13, 2015  Leave a comment

First Kettlebell Workout

So start­ing today, I am back on the 4‑Hour Body / 4‑Hour Cook­book work­out.  I put togeth­er Tim Ferris’s cheap ket­tle­bell and did a ket­tle­bell work out for the first time.  Need­less to say, this after­noon I am set­ting down to write this blog posting.


July 8, 2013  Leave a comment

Continuing On The Path

Since March, I have con­tin­ued the path of putting a fire under­neath myself both pro­fes­sion­al­ly, per­son­al­ly, and phys­i­cal­ly. For the pro­fes­sion­al fac­tor, I have enrolled at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tam­pa to get my Mas­ters in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion degree. Because of my GPA was high enough, the Uni­ver­si­ty waived the GMAT require­ment, but the Uni­ver­si­ty required me to com­plete sev­er­al Har­vard Busi­ness Pub­lish­ing cours­es online before I could start school in August. In hind­sight, I do not know which one would have been sim­pler to complete.
For the per­son­al fac­tor, I have moved to a new house with a big cov­ered porch and a fenced yard for my son and dogs to play. I also made the effort to take time to spend with the fam­i­ly. This is includ­ed trip to the Dinosaur Worlds, Sun­day after­noons watch­ing 3D movies at home, and tak­ing my son on my day busi­ness trips with me.

Phys­i­cal effort is the thing that I have failed in the past cou­ple of months. Work­ing out was the last thing on my mind while I was main­tain­ing a nor­mal 9‑to‑5 job, com­plet­ing the Har­vard cours­es, run­ning my con­sult­ing busi­ness, and fin­ish­ing the move. This is a per­fect exam­ple of burn­ing the can­dle at both ends. My nutri­tion dur­ing this time frame was piss poor. My goal for the month of July and August is to get the phys­i­cal aspect back on track while find­ing a bal­ance of run­ning every­thing in my life. How does Joe Rogan, Tim Fer­ris, and Ben­jamin Franklin does it?

July 8, 2013  Leave a comment

Hearts of Palm Recipe

So after one month of Tim Fer­riss’ slow carb diet and going to Title Box­ing Gym three times a week, I have lost a total of 14 pounds.  The biggest chal­lenge of the diet is the diet restric­tions of no dairy, fruit, or starch­es.  I have worked around this by intro­duc­ing new meals into the diet.  One of my favorite meals so far is the Hearts of Palm Sal­ad. It is such a quick and easy meal.

Heart of Palm Salad

Heart of Palms Salad

  1. Rub the cut sides of the gar­lic clove all over the inside bot­tom of a large sal­ad bowl; dis­card the gar­lic or save for anoth­er use.
  1. In the bowl, whisk togeth­er the 6 T (90 ml) vine­gar, 1 t salt, and 10 turns of black pep­per until the salt is dissolved.
  1. Add the 2 cans hearts of palm, 2 chopped toma­toes, and 2 diced avo­ca­dos. Driz­zle the 8 T (120 ml) extra vir­gin olive oil  around the sides of the bowl and toss to com­bine. Taste and sea­son with more salt and pep­per if need­ed. Serve. The sal­ad can be made up to 1 hour before serv­ing; keep at room temperature.


Fer­riss, Tim­o­thy (2012–11-20). The 4‑Hour Chef: The Sim­ple Path to Cook­ing Like a Pro, Learn­ing Any­thing, and Liv­ing the Good Life (Kin­dle Loca­tions 13033–13040). Ama­zo­nEn­core. Kin­dle Edi­tion.”


Start­ed Weight: 236 lbs.
Last Weigh In Weight: 224 lbs.
New Weigh In Weight: 222 lbs.

March 3, 2013  Leave a comment

4 Week Weigh In

The new offi­cial weight is now 224 lbs.  Actu­al­ly, I have hit 224 lbs in week 3 and have plateaued in week 4.  The rea­son­ing why I think that I have plateaued is because of the head cold that had stopped me from from work­ing out for two weeks.  Since I have start­ed back in the gym, the recov­ery from my “cheat” day has been a lot quick­er.  My wife, Audrey, see­ing the results has also decid­ed to join the diet also.  Her first week, she lost 3 pounds.  (Editor’s Note:  My wife’s weight will not be men­tioned in this blog out of respect and com­mon sense.)  My goal for the month of Feb­ru­ary is to hit 220 lbs. This gives me 11 days to com­plete my goal.  I look for­ward to the challenge.

Start­ed Weight: 236 lbs.
Last Weigh In Weight: 230 lbs.
New Weigh In Weight: 224 lbs.

February 19, 2013  Leave a comment

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