Information Diets and NPCs
I still practice the concept of Zero-Inbox, which is the practice of having zero emails. Along with the practice of zero-inbox, I also maintain a strict information diet and work diligently to eliminate the Non-Playable Characters (NPC) from my daily life. Below is how I maintain my data diet that allows me the necessary free time for my hobbies of reading, cooking, and studying.
Zero-Inbox Practice
My implementation of Zero-Inbox follows a strict rule set. If something is emailed directly to and if it is deemed important, it becomes a checklist item with a due date with a fixed due date to complete. If it is emailed directly to me, but I am not interested, I follow up with the person stating that I am not interested. If something is not emailed directly to me, and the email’s headline doesn’t spark interest, it gets deleted immediately. If I get the same email multiple times on a subject I am not interested in; I will create an email rule that moves it directly to “Spam.”
At any given time, I have two to three emails in my inbox, which remind me to complete the necessary task or to have the information easily available to complete a task that is not associated with my inbox. My practice of Zero-Inbox has been beneficial because it eliminates excessive noise that deters from the core mission to either grow the business I am working for or my interests.
Website Reading
I am old school and still use RSS feeds for the websites I am interested in. My current setup uses Synology NAS, Docker, FreshRSS, and Reader. This setup allows me to parse multiple websites quickly. If a topic or heading interests me, I save the article for further reading on the weekend. This approach allows me to parse through ten websites in thirty minutes while having coffee in the morning. The Reeder feature of Bionic Reading allows me to digest information quicker than I would normally.
Elimination of NPCs within Work
If you are unfamiliar with the term, Non-player characters (NPCs) are characters in role-playing or video games whose actions are not controlled by a player. They can be allies, bystanders, or competitors to the player character. In the game of life, I have learned that companies are filled with NPCs that don’t directly impact the projects I work on. Because they do not have a direct impact, I eliminate them from my “game.”
This approach seems harsh, but I have the rules to handle this. If I get an email or call saying that I did not follow a “process,” I ask for the process in writing. If the process is not documented, it is not a process. This presents a great opportunity for the NPCs to update their process, and if it continues not to be documented, then it indicates that this is a personality-driven decision. At this time, I will bypass the NPC until they either become a blocker in the “hero’s journey.” More often than not, the NPC goes back to their NPC existence.
For the ones that become a “Blocker,” I have enough documentation to demonstrate that this NPC is not following a documented process. Then the decision is personality-driven without justification. This is where the fun begins. I will work diligently to remove the blocker from the game. If I can not remove the blocker from the game, I am updating my resume because the game is no longer logical. Why play a game when rules are set against you? I rather play another game that I can win.
Elimination of NPCs within Life
The same NPC rules go for social media and individuals. If I am not watching positive news, working or following individuals making an impact, and not trying to change things for the positive, I will block, unfollow, or delete them. However, this does not limit me from not consuming or listening to opposing views. I see this as an interest. If I am interested enough, I will read or watch a documentary to better understand than listen to a “talking head.”
Life is Too Short
Life is too short not to have strict filters in place to keep yourself mentally fit. As I get older, I have become more conscious of my limited time and have started eliminating excessive noise. My strict methodology for my emails and being conscious about what I read and how I deal with people allows me to focus on the goals I care about. It is also important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals to make the game more fun.
August 4, 2023