Basic Operating Procedures for Seeing the World

Streets of Brussel

I have been to thir­teen dif­fer­ent loca­tions in the past four months, includ­ing mul­ti­ple coun­tries. In all places that I have been to, there are basic oper­at­ing pro­ce­dures that have served me well.

One is basic man­ners. The pow­er of Ma’am, Sir, Thank you, and Wel­come will open more doors than not.

Two, a firm hand­shake and look­ing some­one in the eyes is a lev­el set. I have meet vice pres­i­dents and pres­i­dents of com­pa­nies and coun­tries, dig­ni­taries, oper­a­tors, sci­en­tists, and tech­nol­o­gists. Many have sto­ried careers, degrees, and back­grounds that make me want to do bet­ter. Regard­less, at the end of the day, we are all human. Firm hand­shakes and eye con­tact estab­lish com­mon respect.

Third, it is always good to have an exit strat­e­gy and be aware of your sur­round­ings. Most of the world is safe, but do not be naive. If you feel that some­thing is wrong, then some­thing is wrong. It is prim­i­tive nature telling you some­thing is wrong. Peo­ple would not be alive today if their ances­tors did not lis­ten to their gut feeling.

Forth is to explore and ini­ti­ate the con­ver­sa­tion. The only way to expe­ri­ence life is by liv­ing it. One can not expe­ri­ence life by stay­ing in the hotel lob­by bar or order­ing take-out. This men­tal­i­ty deprives peo­ple of what life offers and not meet inter­est­ing peo­ple. Instead, enjoy what the world has to offer.

November 11, 2022

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