Author Archives: Austin

The Dover Port Mortuary Independent Review

This is a con­tin­u­um of a sto­ry that broke cou­ple months ago about how Dover Air Force Base has severe­ly mis­han­dled the funer­al process that lead to ser­vice mem­ber remains being deposit­ed into a land­fill.  Based on Army Gen­er­al (Retired)… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Boston Lifestyle

After our trip to Boston, Audrey and I thought what a great city.  With a well built tran­sit sys­tem, side­walks, and bike paths; we said that we love to live in a city that offers the same.  Hills­bor­ough Coun­ty offers… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Humor for the day

I thought this fun­ny.  Orig­i­nal­ly post­ed by

PC running slow again?

In the past years, I have had sev­er­al of my fam­i­ly and friends ask me to look at their com­put­er because all of the sud­den their com­put­er stopped work­ing or it runs slow­ly when they try to browse the inter­net.… con­tin­ue read­ing »

What is this?

Well, I am still in the process of fig­ur­ing this out or how I am going to use this blog but I am get­ting ahead of myself.  My name is Clin­ton Austin.  I am a hus­band, father, son, Chris­t­ian, Freema­son,… con­tin­ue read­ing »

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