Author Archives: Austin

Basic Operating Procedures for Seeing the World

I have been to thir­teen dif­fer­ent loca­tions in the past four months, includ­ing mul­ti­ple coun­tries. In all places that I have been to, there are basic oper­at­ing pro­ce­dures that have served me well. One is basic man­ners. The pow­er of Ma’am,… con­tin­ue read­ing »

A Multiphase Approach To Killing the Living Dead

Here is an arti­cle that I orig­i­nal­ly did for AFCEA Sig­nal Mag­a­zine in Octo­ber 2022. Enjoy. The U.S. Space Force is going through tech­no­log­i­cal evo­lu­tion as it con­tin­ues to grow from its U.S. Air Force roots. One of the major… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Life Lessons as a CIO

I have spent the past two years as a Chief Inno­va­tion Offi­cer and Direc­tor in the hope of mak­ing the deputy gen­er­al man­ag­er role. This result­ed in spend­ing long hours at work, often six­­ty-five to hun­­dred-hour work weeks, doing unde­sir­able… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Pueblo Lake State Park

I decid­ed to get away this week­end to do some camp­ing, hik­ing, and fish­ing at Lake Pueblo State Park in South­ern Col­orado. Lake Pueblo is a reser­voir that damns the Arkansas Riv­er for hydro­elec­tric­i­ty and agri­cul­tur­al use, along with pro­vid­ing… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Apple Tree Fable

Apple Tree Fable A farmer worked day and night to carve out a liv­ing for his fam­i­ly. On his farm was an apple tree that the farmer relied on to feed his fam­i­ly. Dur­ing the spring, the tree blos­somed, bring­ing joy… con­tin­ue read­ing »

The World Is Yours

This elec­tion has brought out the worst in peo­ple. Fam­i­ly, friends, and strangers insult each oth­er because their ide­ol­o­gy does not align. If you are seri­ous about mak­ing the world a bet­ter place, edu­cate your­self. Pick up a book and read.… con­tin­ue read­ing »

L.I.O.N or Not

I am con­tem­plat­ing this idea with LinkedIn late­ly, and I want to ask the community’s opin­ion.  With­in LinkedIn, there is a LinkedIn Open Net­work­er or L.I.O.N move­ment in which mem­bers are will­ing to accept invites from any­one.  The pro­posed ben­e­fits… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Life Experience versus School

As my son starts his edu­ca­tion jour­ney, I am start­ing to iden­ti­fy the same issue in the cur­rent pub­lic edu­ca­tion sys­tem that turned me off from school. Instead of speak­ing to the stu­dent, school speaks down to the stu­dent. Instead… con­tin­ue read­ing »

New Direction

I am going to sep­a­rate the IT arti­cles from my per­son­al blog, and move the tech-cen­tric arti­cles to When I first made this deci­sion, it comes with some reser­va­tion. Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy has long been an intel­lec­tu­al pur­suit of… con­tin­ue read­ing »

Get Better

You can build your time bet­ter when you find a pas­sion,  The Inter­net and pub­lic ser­vices give free edu­ca­tion, So it real­ly ain’t a case of rich or poor, It’s a case of self-moti­­va­­tion and noth­ing more, Like Bil­ly says, whether you… con­tin­ue read­ing »

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